Original Gangsters
Date Owner Player Action
23.09.2022 20:47 MASA7U.BRAiLEANU NeSqQ1K[GOLD] Left the clan
23.09.2022 19:16 [CS]Dedy Murder Joined the clan
23.09.2022 14:04 kNz kNz Left the clan
23.09.2022 14:04 MASA7U.BRAiLEANU Adrian.[] Joined the clan
23.09.2022 13:41 MASA7U.BRAiLEANU kNz Joined the clan
23.09.2022 12:41 MASA7U.BRAiLEANU Bilut Left the clan
23.09.2022 12:18 MASA7U.BRAiLEANU Carlsberg[END] Left the clan
22.09.2022 23:30 MASA7U.BRAiLEANU Ciaky Got rank 6
22.09.2022 23:30 MASA7U.BRAiLEANU [OG]Tay.Fun Got rank 6
22.09.2022 23:28 MASA7U.BRAiLEANU Ciaky Joined the clan
22.09.2022 19:49 [F4L]Droppedz [F4L]Droppedz Left the clan
22.09.2022 19:39 MASA7U.BRAiLEANU mr_white Got rank 2
22.09.2022 19:39 MASA7U.BRAiLEANU GrossoModo Got rank 2
22.09.2022 19:38 MASA7U.BRAiLEANU Bilut Got rank 2
22.09.2022 19:38 MASA7U.BRAiLEANU betoniera.vericu Got rank 2